Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Architectural Patterns and Styles

An architectural style, sometimes called an architectural pattern, is a set of principles—a coarse grained pattern that provides an abstract framework for a family of systems. An architectural style improves partitioning and promotes design reuse by providing solutions to frequently recurring problems. You can think of architecture styles and patterns as sets of principles that shape an application.

Summary of Key Architectural Styles

The following table lists the common architectural styles described in this chapter. It also contains a brief description of each style. Later sections of this chapter contain more details of each style, as well as guidance to help you choose the appropriate ones for your application.

Architecture style



Segregates the system into two applications, where the client makes requests to the server. In many cases, the server is a database with application logic represented as stored procedures.

Component-Based Architecture

Decomposes application design into reusable functional or logical components that expose well-defined communication interfaces.

Domain Driven Design

An object-oriented architectural style focused on modeling a business domain and defining business objects based on entities within the business domain.

Layered Architecture

Partitions the concerns of the application into stacked groups (layers).

Message Bus

An architecture style that prescribes use of a software system that can receive and send messages using one or more communication channels, so that applications can interact without needing to know specific details about each other.

N-Tier / 3-Tier

Segregates functionality into separate segments in much the same way as the layered style, but with each segment being a tier located on a physically separate computer.


A design paradigm based on division of responsibilities for an application or system into individual reusable and self-sufficient objects, each containing the data and the behavior relevant to the object.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Refers to applications that expose and consume functionality as a service using contracts and messages.

Combining Architectural Styles

The architecture of a software system is almost never limited to a single architectural style, but is often a combination of architectural styles that make up the complete system. For example, you might have a SOA design composed of services developed using a layered architecture approach and an object-oriented architecture style.

A combination of architecture styles is also useful if you are building a public facing Web application, where you can achieve effective separation of concerns by using the layered architecture style. This will separate your presentation logic from your business logic and your data access logic. Your organization's security requirements might force you to deploy the application using either the 3-tier deployment approach, or a deployment of more than three tiers. The presentation tier may be deployed to the perimeter network, which sits between an organization's internal network and an external network. On your presentation tier, you may decide to use a separated presentation pattern (a type of layered design style), such as Model-View-Controller (MVC), for your interaction model. You might also choose a SOA architecture style, and implement message-based communication, between your Web server and application server.

If you are building a desktop application, you may have a client that sends requests to a program on the server. In this case, you might deploy the client and server using the client/server architecture style, and use the component-based architecture style to decompose the design further into independent components that expose the appropriate communication interfaces. Using the object-oriented design approach for these components will improve reuse, testability, and flexibility.

Many factors will influence the architectural styles you choose. These factors include the capacity of your organization for design and implementation; the capabilities and experience of your developers; and your infrastructure and organizational constraints. The following sections will help you to determine the appropriate styles for your applications.

Client/Server Architectural Style

The client/server architectural style describes distributed systems that involve a separate client and server system, and a connecting network. The simplest form of client/server system involves a server application that is accessed directly by multiple clients, referred to as a 2-Tier architectural style.

Historically, client/server architecture indicated a graphical desktop UI application that communicated with a database server containing much of the business logic in the form of stored procedures, or with a dedicated file server. More generally, however, the client/server architectural style describes the relationship between a client and one or more servers, where the client initiates one or more requests (perhaps using a graphical UI), waits for replies, and processes the replies on receipt. The server typically authorizes the user and then carries out the processing required to generate the result. The server may send responses using a range of protocols and data formats to communicate information to the client.

Today, some examples of the client/server architectural style include Web browser—based programs running on the Internet or an intranet; Microsoft Windows® operating system—based applications that access networked data services; applications that access remote data stores (such as e-mail readers, FTP clients, and database query tools); and tools and utilities that manipulate remote systems (such as system management tools and network monitoring tools).

Other variations on the client/server style include:

Client-Queue-Client systems. This approach allows clients to communicate with other clients through a server-based queue. Clients can read data from and send data to a server that acts simply as a queue to store the data. This allows clients to distribute and synchronize files and information. This is sometimes known as a passive queue architecture.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications. Developed from the Client-Queue-Client style, the P2P style allows the client and server to swap their roles in order to distribute and synchronize files and information across multiple clients. It extends the client/server style through multiple responses to requests, shared data, resource discovery, and resilience to removal of peers.

Application servers. A specialized architectural style where the server hosts and executes applications and services that a thin client accesses through a browser or specialized client installed software. An example is a client executing an application that runs on the server through a framework such as Terminal Services.

The main benefits of the client/server architectural style are:

Higher security. All data is stored on the server, which generally offers a greater control of security than client machines.

Centralized data access. Because data is stored only on the server, access and updates to the data are far easier to administer than in other architectural styles.

Ease of maintenance. Roles and responsibilities of a computing system are distributed among several servers that are known to each other through a network. This ensures that a client remains unaware and unaffected by a server repair, upgrade, or relocation.

Consider the client/server architectural style if your application is server based and will support many clients, you are creating Web-based applications exposed through a Web browser, you are implementing business processes that will be used by people throughout the organization, or you are creating services for other applications to consume. The client/server architectural style is also suitable, like many networked styles, when you want to centralize data storage, backup, and management functions, or when your application must support different client types and different devices.

However, the traditional 2-Tier client/server architectural style has numerous disadvantages, including the tendency for application data and business logic to be closely combined on the server, which can negatively impact system extensibility and scalability, and its dependence on a central server, which can negatively impact system reliability. To address these issues, the client-server architectural style has evolved into the more general 3-Tier (or N-Tier) architectural style, described below, which overcomes some of the disadvantages inherent in the 2-Tier client-server architecture and provides additional benefits.

Component-Based Architectural Style

Component-based architecture describes a software engineering approach to system design and development. It focuses on the decomposition of the design into individual functional or logical components that expose well-defined communication interfaces containing methods, events, and properties. This provides a higher level of abstraction than object-oriented design principles, and does not focus on issues such as communication protocols and shared state.

The key principle of the component-based style is the use of components that are:

Reusable. Components are usually designed to be reused in different scenarios in different applications. However, some components may be designed for a specific task.

Replaceable. Components may be readily substituted with other similar components.

Not context specific. Components are designed to operate in different environments and contexts. Specific information, such as state data, should be passed to the component instead of being included in or accessed by the component.

Extensible. A component can be extended from existing components to provide new behavior.

Encapsulated. Components expose interfaces that allow the caller to use its functionality, and do not reveal details of the internal processes or any internal variables or state.

Independent. Components are designed to have minimal dependencies on other components. Therefore components can be deployed into any appropriate environment without affecting other components or systems.

Common types of components used in applications include user interface components such as grids and buttons (often referred to as controls), and helper and utility components that expose a specific subset of functions used in other components. Other common types of components are those that are resource intensive, not frequently accessed, and must be activated using the just-in-time (JIT) approach (common in remoting or distributed component scenarios); and queued components whose method calls may be executed asynchronously using message queuing and store and forward.

Components depend upon a mechanism within the platform that provides an environment in which they can execute, often referred to as component architecture. Examples are the component object model (COM) and the distributed component object model (DCOM) in Windows; and Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) on other platforms. Component architectures manage the mechanics of locating components and their interfaces, passing messages or commands between components, and—in some cases—maintaining state.

However, the term component is often used in the more basic sense of a constituent part, element, or ingredient. The Microsoft .NET Framework provides support for building applications using such a component based approach. For example, this guide discusses business and data components, which are commonly code classes compiled into .NET Framework assemblies. They execute under the control of the .NET Framework runtime, and there may be more than one such component in each assembly.

The following are the main benefits of the component-based architectural style:

Ease of deployment. As new compatible versions become available, you can replace existing versions with no impact on the other components or the system as a whole.

Reduced cost. The use of third-party components allows you to spread the cost of development and maintenance.

Ease of development. Components implement well-known interfaces to provide defined functionality, allowing development without impacting other parts of the system.

Reusable. The use of reusable components means that they can be used to spread the development and maintenance cost across several applications or systems.

Mitigation of technical complexity. Components mitigate complexity through the use of a component container and its services. Example component services include component activation, lifetime management, method queuing, eventing, and transactions.

Design patterns such as the Dependency Injection pattern or the Service Locator pattern can be used to manage dependencies between components, and promote loose coupling and reuse. Such patterns are often used to build composite applications that combine and reuse components across multiple applications.

Consider the component-based architectural style if you already have suitable components or can obtain suitable components from third-party suppliers; your application will predominantly execute procedural-style functions, perhaps with little or no data input; or you want to be able to combine components written in different code languages. Also, consider this style if you want to create a pluggable or composite architecture that allows you to easily replace and update individual components.

Domain Driven Design Architectural Style

Domain Driven Design (DDD) is an object-oriented approach to designing software based on the business domain, its elements and behaviors, and the relationships between them. It aims to enable software systems that are a realization of the underlying business domain by defining a domain model expressed in the language of business domain experts. The domain model can be viewed as a framework from which solutions can then be rationalized.

To apply Domain Driven Design, you must have a good understanding of the business domain you want to model, or be skilled in acquiring such business knowledge. The development team will often work with business domain experts to model the domain. Architects, developers, and subject matter experts have diverse backgrounds, and in many environments will use different languages to describe their goals, designs and requirements. However, within Domain Driven Design, the whole team agrees to only use a single language that is focused on the business domain, and which excludes any technical jargon.

As the core of the software is the domain model, which is a direct projection of this shared language, it allows the team to quickly find gaps in the software by analyzing the language around it. The creation of a common language is not merely an exercise in accepting information from the domain experts and applying it. Quite often, communication problems within development teams are due not only to misunderstanding the language of the domain, but also due to the fact that the domain's language is itself ambiguous. The Domain Driven Design process holds the goal not only of implementing the language being used, but also improving and refining the language of the domain. This in turn benefits the software being built, since the model is a direct projection of the domain language.

In order to help maintain the model as a pure and helpful language construct, you must typically implement a great deal of isolation and encapsulation within the domain model. Consequently, a system based on Domain Driven Design can come at a relatively high cost. While Domain Driven Design provides many technical benefits, such as maintainability, it should be applied only to complex domains where the model and the linguistic processes provide clear benefits in the communication of complex information, and in the formulation of a common understanding of the domain.

The following are the main benefits of the Domain Driven Design style:

Communication. All parties within a development team can use the domain model and the entities it defines to communicate business knowledge and requirements using a common business domain language, without requiring technical jargon.

Extensible. The domain model is often modular and flexible, making it easy to update and extend as conditions and requirements change.

Testable. The domain model objects are loosely coupled and cohesive, allowing them to be more easily tested.

Consider DDD if you have a complex domain and you wish to improve communication and understanding within your development team, or where you must express the design of an application in a common language that all stakeholders can understand. DDD can also be an ideal approach if you have large and complex enterprise data scenarios that are difficult to manage using other techniques.

For a summary of domain driven design techniques, see "Domain Driven Design Quickly" at Alternatively, see "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software" by Eric Evans (Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-321-12521-5) and "Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns" by Jimmy Nilsson (Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-321-26820-2).

Layered Architectural Style

Layered architecture focuses on the grouping of related functionality within an application into distinct layers that are stacked vertically on top of each other. Functionality within each layer is related by a common role or responsibility. Communication between layers is explicit and loosely coupled. Layering your application appropriately helps to support a strong separation of concerns that, in turn, supports flexibility and maintainability.

The layered architectural style has been described as an inverted pyramid of reuse where each layer aggregates the responsibilities and abstractions of the layer directly beneath it. With strict layering, components in one layer can interact only with components in the same layer or with components from the layer directly below it. More relaxed layering allows components in a layer to interact with components in the same layer or with components in any lower layer.

The layers of an application may reside on the same physical computer (the same tier) or may be distributed over separate computers (n-tier), and the components in each layer communicate with components in other layers through well-defined interfaces. For example, a typical Web application design consists of a presentation layer (functionality related to the UI), a business layer (business rules processing), and a data layer (functionality related to data access, often almost entirely implemented using high-level data access frameworks). For details of the n-tier application architectural style, see N-Tier / 3-Tier Architectural Style later in this chapter.

Common principles for designs that use the layered architectural style include:

Abstraction. Layered architecture abstracts the view of the system as whole while providing enough detail to understand the roles and responsibilities of individual layers and the relationship between them.

Encapsulation. No assumptions need to be made about data types, methods and properties, or implementation during design, as these features are not exposed at layer boundaries.

Clearly defined functional layers. The separation between functionality in each layer is clear. Upper layers such as the presentation layer send commands to lower layers, such as the business and data layers, and may react to events in these layers, allowing data to flow both up and down between the layers.

High cohesion. Well-defined responsibility boundaries for each layer, and ensuring that each layer contains functionality directly related to the tasks of that layer, will help to maximize cohesion within the layer.

Reusable. Lower layers have no dependencies on higher layers, potentially allowing them to be reusable in other scenarios.

Loose coupling. Communication between layers is based on abstraction and events to provide loose coupling between layers.

Examples of layered applications include line-of-business (LOB) applications such as accounting and customer-management systems; enterprise Web-based applications and Web sites, and enterprise desktop or smart clients with centralized application servers for business logic.

A number of design patterns support the layered architectural style. For example, Separated Presentation patterns encompass a range of patterns that the handling of the user's interactions from the UI, the presentation and business logic, and the application data with which the user works. Separated Presentation allows graphical designers to create a UI while developers generate the code to drive it. Dividing the functionality into separate roles in this way provides increased opportunities to test the behavior of individual roles. The following are the key principles of the Separated Presentation patterns:

Separation of concerns. Separated Presentation patterns divide UI processing concerns into distinct roles; for example, MVC has three roles: the Model, the View, and the Controller. The Model represents data (perhaps a domain model that includes business rules); the View represents the UI; and the Controller handles requests, manipulates the model, and performs other operations.

Event-based notification. The Observer pattern is commonly used to provide notifications to the View when data managed by the Model changes.

Delegated event handling. The controller handles events triggered from the UI controls in the View.

Other examples of Separated Presentation patterns are the Passive View pattern and the Supervising Presenter (or Supervising Controller) pattern.

The main benefits of the layered architectural style, and the use of a Separated Presentation pattern, are:

Abstraction. Layers allow changes to be made at the abstract level. You can increase or decrease the level of abstraction you use in each layer of the hierarchical stack.

Isolation. Allows you to isolate technology upgrades to individual layers in order to reduce risk and minimize impact on the overall system.

Manageability. Separation of core concerns helps to identify dependencies, and organizes the code into more manageable sections.

Performance. Distributing the layers over multiple physical tiers can improve scalability, fault tolerance, and performance.

Reusability. Roles promote reusability. For example, in MVC, the Controller can often be reused with other compatible Views in order to provide a role specific or a user-customized view on to the same data and functionality.

Testability. Increased testability arises from having well-defined layer interfaces, as well as the ability to switch between different implementations of the layer interfaces. Separated Presentation patterns allow you to build mock objects that mimic the behavior of concrete objects such as the Model, Controller, or View during testing.

Consider the layered architectural style if you have existing layers that are suitable for reuse in other applications, you already have applications that expose suitable business processes through service interfaces, or your application is complex and the high-level design demands separation so that teams can focus on different areas of functionality. The layered architectural style is also appropriate if your application must support different client types and different devices, or you want to implement complex and/or configurable business rules and processes.

Consider a Separated Presentation pattern if you want improved testability and simplified maintenance of UI functionality, or you want to separate the task of designing the UI from the development of the logic code that drives it. These patterns are also appropriate when your UI view does not contain any request processing code, and does not implement any business logic.

Message Bus Architectural Style

Message bus architecture describes the principle of using a software system that can receive and send messages using one or more communication channels, so that applications can interact without needing to know specific details about each other. It is a style for designing applications where interaction between applications is accomplished by passing messages (usually asynchronously) over a common bus. The most common implementations of message bus architecture use either a messaging router or a Publish/Subscribe pattern, and are often implemented using a messaging system such as Message Queuing. Many implementations consist of individual applications that communicate using common schemas and a shared infrastructure for sending and receiving messages. A message bus provides the ability to handle:

Message-oriented communications. All communication between applications is based on messages that use known schemas.

Complex processing logic. Complex operations can be executed by combining a set of smaller operations, each of which supports specific tasks, as part of a multistep itinerary.

Modifications to processing logic. Because interaction with the bus is based on common schemas and commands, you can insert or remove applications on the bus to change the logic that is used to process messages.

Integration with different environments. By using a message-based communication model based on common standards, you can interact with applications developed for different environments, such as Microsoft .NET and Java.

Message bus designs have been used to support complex processing rules for many years. The design provides a pluggable architecture that allows you to insert applications into the process, or improve scalability by attaching several instances of the same application to the bus. Variations on the message bus style include:

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Based on message bus designs, an ESB uses services for communication between the bus and components attached to the bus. An ESB will usually provide services that transform messages from one format to another, allowing clients that use incompatible message formats to communicate with each other

Internet Service Bus (ISB). This is similar to an enterprise service bus, but with applications hosted in the cloud instead of on an enterprise network. A core concept of ISB is the use of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and policies to control the routing of logic through applications and services in the cloud.

The main benefits of the message-bus architectural style are:

Extensibility. Applications can be added to or removed from the bus without having an impact on the existing applications.

Low complexity. Application complexity is reduced because each application only needs to know how to communicate with the bus.

Flexibility. The set of applications that make up a complex process, or the communication patterns between applications, can be changed easily to match changes in business or user requirements, simply through changes to the configuration or parameters that control routing.

Loose coupling. As long as applications expose a suitable interface for communication with the message bus, there is no dependency on the application itself, allowing changes, updates, and replacements that expose the same interface.

Scalability. Multiple instances of the same application can be attached to the bus in order to handle multiple requests at the same time.

Application simplicity. Although a message bus implementation adds complexity to the infrastructure, each application needs to support only a single connection to the message bus instead of multiple connections to other applications.

Consider the message bus architectural style if you have existing applications that interoperate with each other to perform tasks, or you want to combine multiple tasks into a single operation. This style is also appropriate if you are implementing a task that requires interaction with external applications, or applications hosted in different environments.

N-Tier / 3-Tier Architectural Style

N-tier and 3-tier are architectural deployment styles that describe the separation of functionality into segments in much the same way as the layered style, but with each segment being a tier that can be located on a physically separate computer. They evolved through the component-oriented approach, generally using platform specific methods for communication instead of a message-based approach.

N-tier application architecture is characterized by the functional decomposition of applications, service components, and their distributed deployment, providing improved scalability, availability, manageability, and resource utilization. Each tier is completely independent from all other tiers, except for those immediately above and below it. The nth tier only has to know how to handle a request from the n+1th tier, how to forward that request on to the n-1th tier (if there is one), and how to handle the results of the request. Communication between tiers is typically asynchronous in order to support better scalability.

N-tier architectures usually have at least three separate logical parts, each located on a separate physical server. Each part is responsible for specific functionality. When using a layered design approach, a layer is deployed on a tier if more than one service or application is dependent on the functionality exposed by the layer.

An example of the N-tier/3-tier architectural style is a typical financial Web application where security is important. The business layer must be deployed behind a firewall, which forces the deployment of the presentation layer on a separate tier in the perimeter network. Another example is a typical rich client connected application, where the presentation layer is deployed on client machines and the business layer and data access layer are deployed on one or more server tiers.

The main benefits of the N-tier/3-tier architectural style are:

Maintainability. Because each tier is independent of the other tiers, updates or changes can be carried out without affecting the application as a whole.

Scalability. Because tiers are based on the deployment of layers, scaling out an application is reasonably straightforward.

Flexibility. Because each tier can be managed or scaled independently, flexibility is increased.

Availability. Applications can exploit the modular architecture of enabling systems using easily scalable components, which increases availability.

Consider either the N-tier or the 3-tier architectural style if the processing requirements of the layers in the application differ such that processing in one layer could absorb sufficient resources to slow the processing in other layers, or if the security requirements of the layers in the application differ. For example, the presentation layer should not store sensitive data, while this may be stored in the business and data layers. The N-tier or the 3-tier architectural style is also appropriate if you want to be able to share business logic between applications, and you have sufficient hardware to allocate the required number of servers to each tier.

Consider using just three tiers if you are developing an intranet application where all servers are located within the private network; or an Internet application where security requirements do not restrict the deployment of business logic on the public facing Web or application server. Consider using more than three tiers if security requirements dictate that business logic cannot be deployed to the perimeter network, or the application makes heavy use of resources and you want to offload that functionality to another server

Object-Oriented Architectural Style

Object-oriented architecture is a design paradigm based on the division of responsibilities for an application or system into individual reusable and self-sufficient objects, each containing the data and the behavior relevant to the object. An object-oriented design views a system as a series of cooperating objects, instead of a set of routines or procedural instructions. Objects are discrete, independent, and loosely coupled; they communicate through interfaces, by calling methods or accessing properties in other objects, and by sending and receiving messages. The key principles of the object-oriented architectural style are:

Abstraction. This allows you to reduce a complex operation into a generalization that retains the base characteristics of the operation. For example, an abstract interface can be a well-known definition that supports data access operations using simple methods such as Get and Update. Another form of abstraction could be metadata used to provide a mapping between two formats that hold structured data.

Composition. Objects can be assembled from other objects, and can choose to hide these internal objects from other classes or expose them as simple interfaces.

Inheritance. Objects can inherit from other objects, and use functionality in the base object or override it to implement new behavior. Moreover, inheritance makes maintenance and updates easier, as changes to the base object are propagated automatically to the inheriting objects.

Encapsulation. Objects expose functionality only through methods, properties, and events, and hide the internal details such as state and variables from other objects. This makes it easier to update or replace objects, as long as their interfaces are compatible, without affecting other objects and code.

Polymorphism. This allows you to override the behavior of a base type that supports operations in your application by implementing new types that are interchangeable with the existing object.

Decoupling. Objects can be decoupled from the consumer by defining an abstract interface that the object implements and the consumer can understand. This allows you to provide alternative implementations without affecting consumers of the interface.

Common uses of the object-oriented style include defining an object model that supports complex scientific or financial operations, and defining objects that represent real world artifacts within a business domain (such as a customer or an order). The latter is a process commonly implemented using the more specialized domain driven design style, which takes advantage of the principles of the object-oriented style. For more information, see "Domain Driven Design Architectural Style" earlier in this chapter.

The main benefits of the object-oriented architectural style are that it is:

Understandable. It maps the application more closely to the real world objects, making it more understandable.

Reusable. It provides for reusability through polymorphism and abstraction.

Testable. It provides for improved testability through encapsulation.

Extensible. Encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction ensure that a change in the representation of data does not affect the interfaces that the object exposes, which would limit the capability to communicate and interact with other objects.

Highly Cohesive. By locating only related methods and features in an object, and using different objects for different sets of features, you can achieve a high level of cohesion.

Consider the object-oriented architectural style if you want to model your application based on real world objects and actions, or you already have suitable objects and classes that match the design and operational requirements. The object-oriented style is also suitable if you must encapsulate logic and data together in reusable components or you have complex business logic that requires abstraction and dynamic behavior.

Service-Oriented Architectural Style

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) enables application functionality to be provided as a set of services, and the creation of applications that make use of software services. Services are loosely coupled because they use standards-based interfaces that can be invoked, published, and discovered. Services in SOA are focused on providing a schema and message-based interaction with an application through interfaces that are application scoped, and not component or object-based. An SOA service should not be treated as a component-based service provider.

The SOA style can package business processes into interoperable services, using a range of protocols and data formats to communicate information. Clients and other services can access local services running on the same tier, or access remote services over a connecting network.

The key principles of the SOA architectural style are:

Services are autonomous. Each service is maintained, developed, deployed, and versioned independently.

Services are distributable. Services can be located anywhere on a network, locally or remotely, as long as the network supports the required communication protocols.

Services are loosely coupled. Each service is independent of others, and can be replaced or updated without breaking applications that use it as long as the interface is still compatible.

Services share schema and contract, not class. Services share contracts and schemas when they communicate, not internal classes.

Compatibility is based on policy. Policy in this case means definition of features such as transport, protocol, and security.

Common examples of service-oriented applications include sharing information, handling multistep processes such as reservation systems and online stores, exposing industry specific data or services over an extranet, and creating mashups that combine information from multiple sources.

The main benefits of the SOA architectural style are:

Domain alignment. Reuse of common services with standard interfaces increases business and technology opportunities and reduces cost.

Abstraction. Services are autonomous and accessed through a formal contract, which provides loose coupling and abstraction.

Discoverability. Services can expose descriptions that allow other applications and services to locate them and automatically determine the interface.

Interoperability. Because the protocols and data formats are based on industry standards, the provider and consumer of the service can be built and deployed on different platforms.

Rationalization. Services can be granular in order to provide specific functionality, rather than duplicating the functionality in number of applications, which removes duplication.

Consider the SOA style if you have access to suitable services that you wish to reuse; can purchase suitable services provided by a hosting company; want to build applications that compose a variety of services into a single UI; or you are creating Software plus Services (S+S), Software as a Service (SaaS), or cloud-based applications. The SOA style is suitable when you must support message-based communication between segments of the application and expose functionality in a platform independent way, when you want to take advantage of federated services such as authentication, or you want to expose services that are discoverable through directories and can be used by clients that have no prior knowledge of the interfaces.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Windows Workflow

What is Workflow?

Microsoft has built many workflow solutions for Microsoft Exchange, dynamics CRM, BizTalk, Sharepoint and Content management server.However these solutions are used for some utility purpose.To bring the workflow to the masses, Microsoft introduces the Windows workflow foundation framework.It provides a workflow engine and a set of tools to create a workflow enabled application rapidly.
Workflow is a set of activities which run within the host process.Workflow is a simple visual depiction of a real business process.Simply it is a picture of a business process

Types of Workflow?

The sequential workflow is just as the name implies, it involves a prescribed processing order that relates closely to a flowchart model.

A state machine workflow is more reactive. It is event driven, with the external events driving the processing order. In state machine workflow, you can skip or rework steps triggered based on various events within the workflow.

Workflow Activities?

Friday, May 14, 2010


Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management
By using the suite of tools in Visual Studio Premium and Visual Studio Ultimate, and combining those tools with Visual Studio Team Foundation Server, you can apply proven practices to manage your application's lifecycle, from understanding customer needs through code design and implementation to deployment. You can use the instrumentation in these tools to trace requirements to checked-in code, builds and test results. These practices can help your team create software that is valued by your customers and that is faster and more reliable. You can use these tools to achieve the following results:
Plan and Track: Capture what is important to your customers, and track your project's progress. Enact processes and monitor their quality to help your team turn customer requirements into working software. Planning and Tracking Projects

Design: Design functionality either on top of existing assets or from scratch, using architectural diagrams to communicate critical information about your team's software. Modeling the Application

Develop: Write, unit test, debug, analyze, and profile your application using tools that are integrated with the rest of the application lifecycle so that your team can understand how your progress contributes to the project. Developing the Application
Using Version Control

Build: Build your application using the integrated build system so that your team can ensure quality gates are met and see what requirements have been fulfilled in each build. Building the Application

Test: Run manual or automated tests, including performance and stress tests. Manage testing systematically so that your team knows the software quality on any given day. Testing the Application

Deploy: Deploy into virtual environments to enable more sophisticated development and testing. Using a Virtual Lab for Your Application Lifecycle

Team Project Structure

What Is Agile?
Agile methodology is an approach to project management, typically used in software development. It helps teams respond to the unpredictability of building software through incremental, iterative work cadences, known as sprints.

• What is Scrum?
Scrum is an agile approach to software development. Rather than a full process or methodology, it is a framework. So instead of providing complete, detailed descriptions of how everything is to be done on the project, much is left up to the team. This is done because the team will know best how to solve its problem. This is why, for example, a sprint planning meeting is described in terms of the desired outcome (a commitment to set of features to be developed in the next sprint) instead of a set of Entry criteria, Task definitions, Validation criteria, and Exit criteria (ETVX) as would be provided in most methodologies.
Scrum relies on a self-organizing, cross-functional team. The scrum team is self-organizing in that there is no overall team leader who decides which person will do which task or how a problem will be solved. Those are issues that are decided by the team as a whole. The team is cross-functional so that everyone necessary to take a feature from idea to implementation is involved. These teams are supported by two specific individuals: a ScrumMaster and a product owner. The ScrumMaster can be thought of as a coach for the team, helping team members use the Scrum framework to perform at their highest level. The product owner represents the business, customers or users and guides the team toward building the right product.
Scrum projects make progress in a series of sprints, which are timeboxed iterations no more than a month long. At the start of a sprint, team members commit to delivering some number of features that were listed on the project’s product backlog. At the end of the sprint, these features are done--they are coded, tested, and integrated into the evolving product or system. At the end of the sprint a sprint review is conducted during which the team demonstrates the new functionality to the product owner and other interested stakeholders who provide feedback that could influence the next sprint.
Scrum is a framework for running projects that is based on agile principles and values. It defines a set of activities that can help your team deliver more value to your customers faster. These activities provide your customers with the opportunity to review, guide and influence your team's work as it progresses. This approach does not attempt to define everything at the start of a project. Instead, your team works in short iterations (also called sprints) and refines the plan as the team makes progress.

Iterative Development with Scrum
The Light Weight Scrum process template defines a number of predefined solution iterations, known as sprints, which define a set of activities and solution features that must be completed within a predefined period of time (sprint). Initially sprints will be focused on different deliverables such analysis and design, development, testing and deployment. Shorter duration sprints reduce the margin of error in team estimates and provide fast feedback about the state and health of the solution. It is imperative that each sprint is concluded with a working piece of the solution, which can be demonstrated during the sprint review meeting. The typical duration of a sprint is between two weeks and one month.

• Prepare for the project
• Plan the project
• Plan the Sprint

• Run a Sprint
• Track the project

Scrum has three artifacts: the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and a Burndown Chart.
Product Backlog
At the beginning of the project, the product owner prepares a list of customer requirements prioritized by business value. This list is the Product Backlog, a single list of features prioritized by value delivered to the customer. The Scrum Team contributes to the product backlog by estimating the cost of developing features.
The Product Backlog should include all features visible to the customer, as well as the technical requirements needed to build the product. The highest priority items in the Product Backlog need to be broken down into small enough chunks to be estimable and testable. About ten developer-days of work is a good size for a Product Backlog item that can be ready for implementation in the next iteration. Features that will be implemented further out in time can be less detailed.
Sprint Backlog
The Sprint Backlog is an artifact of the Sprint Planning Meeting. When the Scrum Team has selected and committed to deliver a set of top priority features from the Product Backlog, the Product Backlog's features are broken down into a Sprint Backlog: a list of the specific development tasks required to implement a feature. These tasks are broken down into pieces that will require less than two days (or sixteen developer-hours) of work. When the Sprint Backlog is complete, the total work estimated is compared with original estimates from the Product Backlog. If there is a significant difference, the team negotiates with the Product Owner to get the right amount of work to take into the Sprint with a high probability of success.
Burndown Chart
The Burndown Chart shows the cumulative work remaining in a Sprint, day-by-day.
At the Sprint Planning Meeting the Scrum Team identifies and estimates specific tasks that must be completed for the Sprint to be successful. The total of all Sprint Backlog estimates of work remaining to be completed is the cumulative backlog. When tasks are completed as the Sprint proceeds, the ScrumMaster recalculates the remaining work to be done and the Sprint Backlog decreases, or burns down over time. If the cumulative Sprint Backlog is zero at the end of the Sprint, the Sprint is successful.
The Product Backlog items brought into the Sprint are fixed for the duration of the Sprint. However, the Sprint Backlog may change for several reasons:
• The development team gains a better understanding of work to be done as time progresses and may find that they need to add new tasks to the Sprint Backlog to complete the Product Backlog items selected.
• Defects may be identified and logged as additional tasks. While these are viewed primarily as unfinished work on committed tasks, it may be necessary to keep track of them separately.
• The Product Owner may work with the team during the Sprint to help refine team understanding of the Sprint goal. The ScrumMaster and Team may decide that minor adjustments that do not lengthen the Sprint are appropriate to optimize customer value.
The Burndown Chart is used as a tool to guide the development team to successful completion of a Sprint on time with working code that is potentially shippable as a product.

Scrum has three roles: Product Owner, ScrumMaster, and Team.
The Product Owner has the following responsibilities.
• Define the features of the product;
• Decide on release date and content;
• Be responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI);
• Prioritize features according to market value;
• Adjust features and priority every 30 days, as needed; and
• Accept or reject work results.
The product owner is responsible for the first of the three Scrum ceremonies : Scrum Planning.
The ScrumMaster is a facilitative team leader working closing with the Product Owner. He must:
• Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive;
• Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions;
• Remove barriers;
• Shield the team from external interferences; and
• Ensure that the process is followed, including issuing invitations to Daily Scrum, Sprint Review and Sprint Planning meetings.
The ScrumMaster has three primary responsibilities in addition to leading the Daily Scrum meeting:
1. The ScrumMaster needs to know what tasks have been completed, what tasks have started, any new tasks that have been discovered, and any estimates that may have changed. This makes it possible to update the Burndown Chart which shows the cumulative work remaining day by day. The ScrumMaster must also look carefully at the number of open tasks in progress. Work in progress needs to be minimized to achieve lean productivity gains.
2. The ScrumMaster needs to surface dependencies and blocks which are impediments to the Scrum. They need to be prioritized and tracked. A remediation plan needs to be implemented for impediments in priority order. Some can be resolved with the team, some can be resolved across teams, and others will need management involvement as they may be company issues that block all teams from achieving their production capacity. For example, a telecom company recently implemented Scrum and found eighteen items on their impediment list, only two of which were directly related to Scrum teams. The others were company issues that needed management attention.
3. Last but not least, the ScrumMaster may notice personal problems or conflicts within the Scrum that need resolution. These need to be clarified by the ScrumMaster and be resolved by dialogue within the team, or the ScrumMaster may need help from management or the Human Resources. Certified ScrumMaster James Coplien developed over 200 case studies of notable projects while working at ATT Bell Labs. He reports that over 50% of productivity losses were caused by personnel issues. The ScrumMaster must pay attention to them to ensure the team is fully functional and productive.
The Team:
• Is cross-functional, with seven (plus/minus two) members;
• Selects the Sprint goal and specifies work results;
• Has the right to do everything within the boundaries of the project guidelines to reach the Sprint goal;
• Organizes itself and its work; and
• Demos work results to the Product Owner.
Scrum Work items
• Bug
• User stories
• Task
• Test Plan
• Test case
• Impediment
• Product Backlog
• Shared steps
• Sprint
• Sprint Backlog
• Sprint retrospective
• Other work items

User Story
A User Story describes a desired feature (functional requirement) in narrative form. User Stories are usually written by the Product Owner, and are the Product Owner's responsibility. The format is not standardized, but typically has a name, some descriptive text, references to external documents (such as screen shots), and information about how the implementation will be tested.

For example, a Story might resemble the following:

Name: Planner enters new contact into address book, so that he can contact the person later by postal or electronic mail
Description: Planner enters standard contact information (first and last name, two street address lines, city, state, zip / postal code, country, etc.) into contact-entry screen. He clicks "Save" to keep the data, and "Cancel" to discard data and return to previous screen.
Screens and External Documents: http://myserver/screens/contact-entry.html
How to test: Tester enters and saves the data, finds the name in the address book, and clicks on it. He sees a read-only view of the contact-entry screen, with all data previously entered.

The elements in this User Story are:
1. Name: The Name is a descriptive phrase or sentence. The example uses a basic "Role-Action-Reason" organization. Another common style, popularized by Mike Cohn, follows the template "As a , I want so that ." The choice of template is less important than having a workable standard of some kind.
2. Description: This is a high-level (low-detail) description of the need to be met. For functional (user-facing) requirements, the description is put in narrative form. For non-functional requirements, the description can be worded in any form that is easy to understand. In both cases, the key is that the level of detail is modest, because the fine details are worked out during the implementation phase, in discussions between team members, product owners, and anyone else who is involved. (This is one of the core concepts of Scrum: Requirements are specified at a level that allows rough estimation of the work required to implement them, not in detail.)
3. Screens and External Documents: If the Story requires user-interface changes (especially non-trivial ones), the Story should contain or link to a prototype of the changes. Any external documents required to implement the Story should also be listed.
4. How to test: The implementation of a Story is defined to be complete if, and only if, it passes all acceptance tests developed for it. This section provides a brief description of how the story will be tested. As for the feature itself, the description of testing methods is short, with the details to be worked out during implementation, but we need at least a summary to guide the estimation process.
There are two reasons for including the information about how to test the Story. The obvious reason is to guide development of test cases (acceptance tests) for the Story. The less-obvious, but important, reason, is that the Team will need this information in order to estimate how much work is required to implement the story (since test design and execution is part of the total work).

Meeting Purpose Duration Frequency
Sprint Planning Meeting
Determine what work to do in the coming sprint. Two hours per week in the sprint, up to four hours Once per sprint
Daily Scrum Meeting
Allow team members to commit, collaborate, and communicate risks. Fifteen minutes Daily
Sprint Review Meeting
Show the customer and other stakeholders the work that the team accomplished in the sprint, and receive feedback. Two hours per week in the sprint, up to four hours Once per sprint
Retrospective Meeting
Identify and implement ideas for process improvement. Three hours Once per sprint

Scrum is a lightweight agile process framework used primarily for managing software development.
Scrum is:
Lightweight because it has few prescribed elements
Three roles: Team, Scrum Master (often a Project Manager), Product Owner (often a Product Manager)
Three meetings: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Retrospective
Three artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burndown chart
Agile because it maximizes responsiveness to changing customer needs
A process framework because it is not a process, but a collection of practices and concepts around which a process can be built
Scrum is often contrasted with the so-called “Waterfall” approach, which emphasizes up-front planning and scheduling of activities, followed by execution. Both approaches require careful planning, followed by execution and tracking, but the details of how these steps are accomplished are different.

Scrum processes are cyclical, repeating every few weeks. Product Owners provide requirements, in the form of Stories (short narrative descriptions). The Team of developers and QA engineers implements the Stories in a Sprint of 2—4 weeks in length. During the Sprint, Team members work with Product Owners to refine and clarify requirements, to ensure proper implementation. Final requirements are defined by test cases created by QA engineers, and are used to validate each story to confirm that it is complete.

Stories are implemented in rank order, one at a time, to ensure that highest-priority requirements are implemented first. This serialization of feature development ensures that some useful features will be completed even if less work can be accomplished during a Sprint than expected.
Why Choose Scrum versus Waterfall for Software Projects?

The two approaches make different assumptions about the priorities and practicalities of the work to be accomplished.
Waterfall Processes Assume or Require that
Success is defined by achieving the planned scope.
Tightest constraint may be on scope or schedule
Sometimes schedule is extended to achieve scope
Sometimes scope is reduced to achieve schedule
Requirements are well-understood and will not change
Change requests represent exceptions that must be handled by a change-request process
All steps are known and can be estimated with reasonable accuracy
Process is linear: Starts with requirements, leads to results, and stops
Some steps may involve long lead times, or lots of specialized resources
Incremental results (e.g, at 20% of scope) have little or no value

Scrum Projects Assume or Require that
Success is defined by responsiveness to customer requests
Requires quick turnaround (2—4 week Sprints) for high-priority requests
Tightest constraint is on schedule, to achieve quick turnaround
Scope is adjusted to fit schedule
Requirements change frequently, even from month to month
Change is the norm, and requests are re-prioritized at Sprint boundaries
Work requires constant invention, so all steps are not known in advance, and estimates are not expected to be reliable
Process is cyclic: It repeats every Sprint, and planning for next Sprint overlaps with the work on the current Sprint
No steps involve long lead times or lots of specialized resources
Incremental results (e.g., at 20% of scope) have significant value

Few of the criteria individually identify which process is more appropriate for a project, but taken together, the decision is usually straightforward. Some examples include
Deploying an ERP application, such as SAP. The vendor has done this many times, has a process with all steps clearly defined and understood, and can proceed with a well-practiced waterfall process.
Creating custom reports for the ERP application. This is likely to be an iterative process, as reports evolve towards greater usefulness over time due to user feedback, and is well-suited to a Scrum process.
In general, if you have to figure out how to do a significant amount of the work in the project because you haven’t done it before, so you cannot estimate accurately, go with a Scrum process. If you’ve done it many times before, and know how to do it again, go with a waterfall process.

The Benefits of Scrum
Different stakeholders want different things from a software development process.
Developers want to write code, not documents.
Quality Assurance engineers want to create test plans that ensure product quality, and have high-quality code to test.
Project Managers want a process that is easy to plan, execute, and track.
Product Managers want features implemented quickly, with no bugs.
Services and Support personnel want to know exactly what is in all product releases, and have a reliable means to satisfy customer requests for bug fixes and enhancements.
Sales personnel want to know what is “in the pipeline” for future releases.
Customers want all of their feature requests and bug-fixes done quickly.
Executives, Program Managers, and PMO personnel want to know exactly what is happening, and what is planned to happen.
Everyone wants happy customers.
The list seems long, but the key points are few:
Team satisfaction and productivity are maximized when effort spent on non-deliverable items (e.g., internal documentation) is kept to a minimum.
Maximizing quality at each stage minimizes re-work at following stages, and maximizes product quality seen by customers.
Responsiveness is best achieved by fulfilling customer requests quickly.
Project status and plans should be visible to everyone who has an interest in them.
Thus the best real-world development process devotes as little effort as possible to artifacts the customer doesn’t value, provides relatively bug-free code at the start of testing, delivers all relevant information to everyone who needs it, and fulfills customer requests quickly.
It is no coincidence that Scrum was designed to satisfy these points.
PM Term = Scrum Term
Schedule = Sprint (or Release)
Scope = Sprint Backlog
Work Breakdown Structure = Task Breakdown
Productivity = Velocity
Estimate to Complete = Burndown Chart

Scrum Testing Methodology - Presentation Transcript
1. Agile Scrum Testing Methodology– an Overview - Gayathri
2. Agile Testing - Overview
o What is Agile Testing?
o Agile Testing can be defined as a
o Testing practice that follows the agile manifesto, treating development as the customer of testing
o Testing practice for projects using agile methodologies.
3. Agile Testing - Overview
o Process in Scrum Testing
o A Product Backlog of prioritized work to be done
o The entire product backlog items are split into a fixed set of items called Sprints
o A daily Scrum Meeting is organized where the team discusses three question.
 What have you done since the last daily meeting?
 What will you be doing until the next daily meeting?
 What impediments, if any, are in your way?
o A Sprint Planning session where the Sprint Backlog items are split with the team members
o A Sprint Retrospective session where the team member would put forward the best practice they followed or introduce a process would need to implement for a successful Sprint.
o All the meetings will be facilitated by the Scrum Master.
4. Characteristics of Scrum Testing
5. Agile Testing – Process proposed
o Scrum Testing process workflow
 Identify the Test Scenarios based on the BRD document
o Obtain sign-off of the Test Scenario document from the respective Business Owners
o Test Cases will be written for Sprint by Sprint basics
o Execution will be done by delaying a Sprint (When Sprint 2 items are developed we will be executing Sprint 1 functionality)
o A change in a requirement or a defect will be added to the product backlog
o A constant regression bed is identified for all the completed Sprints
o Since delaying the testing by a Sprint may provide a gap between the development team and the testing team, we will have a pre deployment in each Sprint which helps us to address the major issues pro actively.
6. Agile Testing – Process proposed Testing process workflow
7. Sprint Schedule with QA Tasks
8. Agile Testing – Process proposed
o Scrum Terminology
o Scrum Master: The person or persons in charge of the tracking and the daily updates for the
o scrum (equivalent to a project manager). Sometimes referred to as a Scrum Facilitator.
o Scrum Team: A cross-functional team (developers, B.A.s, DBAs, and testers) responsible for
o developing the product.
o Product Owner: The person responsible for maintaining the Product Backlog via continuous interaction with Clients and Stakeholders.
o Story: A customer focused description of valued functionality.
o Product Backlog: The stories to be completed.
o Sprint: A time period (usually 2 to 4 weeks) in which development occurs on a set of stories that
o the Team has committed to.
o Sprint Backlog: The Team's interpretation of the product backlog containing concrete tasks that
o will be done during the next sprint to implement some of the top items in the Product Backlog.
9. Agile Testing – Process proposed
o Scrum - FAQ’s
o What happens if you don’t finish on time?
o Scrum does not allow a delivery date to be altered! If you are behind, you delete items in the Scrum Team’s Sprint Backlog and if you are ahead you can ask the Product Owner for more tasks.
o Can Scrum only be used for smaller projects?
o No, the method can be up-scaled by putting together several smaller projects to form one larger. A so-called Scrum of Scrums can include hundred of programmers, organized in dozens of Scrum Teams.
o Where does the word Scrum come from?
o Scrum is a rugby term for the close-knit shoulder-to-shoulder formation a rugby team forms to jointly move the ball forward.
o The word was first used by Takeuchi and Nonaka in a famous article published in the Harvard Business Review in which they described the most successful product development projects in Japan.
10. Agile Testing - Overview
o How can Testers prove their value
o Demonstrate a helpful perspective in defining software expectations
o Provide information. Don’t act like a gatekeeper.
o Adapt to changing project goals.
o Work with what you have, ask for what you need to know, document what you can.